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"Sing to Jehovah a NEW SONG.
    Sing to Jehovah, all you people of the earth."
(Psalms 96:1)

Greetings Bible Students!           

Welcome to SingNewSong Discussion Board!

With all the confusion and chaos going on in this world and even the 
THREAT OF NUCLEAR WAR (Link #1) on the horizon for mankind, ask yourself,


·      Are you one that is searching for LIGHT, in a be- darkened world?



·      Are you someone that is truly looking for real ANSWERS to baffling        questions facing us today, in our modern age?



·      Are you someone that is truly looking, searching for the TRUE God to               provide this much needed LIGHT, for all mankind?

Well, if that is the case, then perhaps this website could be the one for you. You could be one among many individuals today that is interested in learning A "NEW SONG" THAT BRINGS LIGHT to all mankind today. Yes, a “New Song” that is presently known only to the people of Jamaica, by way of the Rastafarian People of the Island. It becomes a “New Song” that teaches us about a Two-Messiah/Two-Kingdom Concept, yes, a unique and stunning concept, taught and kindly received by the Island of Jamaica for over 70 years now, since the early 1930s!!!

Perhaps, if you are Jamaican, you may have already learned of the message we call a "New Song" by way of the new
brochure release called, "JEHOVAH'S TRUTH," which is written, produced and distributed each month by the YORWW Congregation, and is given out to the people of Jamaica at no cost.

At this point, we would like to say, we believe the people of Jamaica are very, very special, as far as bible prophecy goes. You see, many of the people of Jamaica can show they are direct descendants of the nation of 
Ethiopia. And that fact is important since practically the entire nation of Ethiopia itself, for centuries upon centuries, has unquestionably been heavily influenced by the faith of Judaism. This fact is readily apparent to all observers when we closely examine there religious customs and sacred practices of the people, whether they are believers of Judaism and/or Christianity … makes no difference in this case. Thus, creating a people that we could call, “Black Jews” as it were, Africans who have been staunch, devoted adherents of the faith of Judaism for many centuries now, presently living on the continent of Africa. -- See Psalms 68:31.

For example did you know, every single church in Ethiopia [aka Ethiopian Orthodox Church], has a small 
replica or copy of the "Ark of The Covenant" [called the Tabot] within them demonstrating this unique belief? Also please note, this particular nation of people (Ethiopia) are unique in that, they, and only them, possess what's called the "Ethiopian Book of Enoch" (which was quoted by the Christian Disciple Jude inverses 14 & 15) that interestingly tells of the coming of a mysteriously "hidden" Son of Man, who would prove to be the Messiah in the end times. Thus today, "Rastafarian" believers on the Island of Jamaica, still hold the "Ethiopian Book of Enoch" to be sacred in pointing forward to the coming of the Messiah. -- See Isaiah 49:2John 7:27.

At first glance, you will notice this discussion board does speak a lot about Jehovah's Witnesses. In short, we believe Jehovah's Witnesses were first considered "God's Name People," ever since their taking the Divine Name upon themselves in the year of 
1931. And in so doing, Jehovah's Witnesses were to be considered very similar to the ancient nation of Israel in that they believe and teach some 40 Basic Fundamental Truths or Basic Principles that are found within the Mosaic Law, that uniquely distinguished that nation of old. -- Numbers 6:27; Deuteronomy 28:1, 2

However since their (Jehovah's Witnesses) recent fall in apostasy, as revealed by their secret alliance with the 
United Nations Organization as NGO supporters for 10 years in the year of 2001, that most holy privilege of being exclusively, God's "Name People" on earth, as modern-day Israel, has been STRIPPED FROM THEM and given to another people who would obediently bear the righteous "fruits" promised Jehovah. Because of this, POWERFUL BIBLE PROPHECY, clearly indicates the Jehovah's Witnesses as a people are headed for severe problems ... problems that will even become PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE in the near future. -- See Matthew 21:43Acts 15:14Revelation 12:1-5.

Amazingly and to the shock of many around the world, bible prophecy actually indicates that awesome, grand privilege of being God's Name People, would fall upon the 
PEOPLE OF JAMAICA, descendants of the nation of Ethiopia, numbering some 4 million plus today, world wide. (Please carefully consider Isaiah 18:1, 2 and Zephaniah 3:9, 10) Indeed, the nation and people of Jamaica are now to be properly recognized as "a People for God's Name," Modern Day "Israel" even, with the elite number of the 144,000 being selected or chosen from among their number, for a very special purpose in the end times. Yes, these very special individuals (144,000) would bear the Name of God "upon their foreheads" as loyal servants of God, singing as if a "New Song" upon Mount Zion, a "Song" that ONLY they themselves could fully "master" or "learn fully," with the special help and assistance of the "Hidden" or "Concealed" Son of Man, the Modern Day "Servant" of God. -- See Acts 15:14Isaiah 49:2;Revelation 14:1-5.

Therefore we must say openly, this website is especially for the Jamaican People themselves. To those of the Jamaican Nation, if you have not done so thus far, please take a moment to read over these 40 Basic Fundamental Truths (that we know are currently taught by 7 million Jehovah's Witnesses) and see if you agree with them all, personally. Indeed, after carefully considering the presented information on this website, we believe you will be better able to understand what has happened to God's Name People (Jehovah's Witnesses), namely the GRAVE "SIN" OF APOSTASY that have been committed, which has brought the nation into utter disfavor with Almighty God, and what it will take to remedy this most serious situation, according to bible standards of justice. To be sure, this understanding of matters is absolutely critical for all prospective members of the 144,000 to fully understand. -- See Isaiah 30:26; Jeremiah 23:19, 20; Jeremiah 50:4, 5; Ezekiel 20:35-38.

On this particular discussion board, you will find specific and unique information about the beliefs and teachings of the YORWW Congregation itself, such as the 
ORIGIN OF PURE WORSHIP from Almighty God's standpoint. Also included in this special information will be an in depth discussion of how we can scripturally identify the "NEW SONG" of Revelation 14:3 , and the key role the 144,000 will play in sounding this special message around the globe.

Please remember, the SingNewSong Discussion Board has been especially designed to teach and educate countless thousands, in fact 144,000 special individuals of faith selected by God, who are 
ALL JAMAICAN, and who shall be called out of mankind as "first fruits" to Him, to learn an extraordinary Bible Message from God. As members of the 144,000, this elite group will fulfill a very important role in bible prophecy. -- Revelation 14:1-5

Indeed, God's Word foretold a Great Day when many would turn to Him miraculously, yes even from the 
Island of Jamaica, during the "time of the end," by saying:

3 “For I shall pour out water upon the thirsty one, and trickling streams upon the dry place. I shall pour out my spirit upon your seed, and my blessing upon your descendants. 4 And they will certainly spring up as among the green grass, like poplars by the water ditches. 5 This one will say: I belong to Jehovah.  And that one will call [himself] by the name of Jacob, and another will write upon his hand: Belonging to Jehovah.  And by the name of Israel one will betitle [himself].” — Isaiah 44:3-5


So if you are a JAMAICAN and wish to learn this new message, why not take out a moment of your time to carefully consider the information shown above, which we believe will surely provide much needed detail information on the subject matter of the SingNewSong Discussion Board, for your benefit. And certainly after doing this, if you find the presented information interesting, yes inviting, then by all means, please  REGISTER with us where you can freely join in the discussions here, with your fellow-Jamaican brothers and sisters. (However, if you are NOT Jamaican ... we respectfully ask that you DO NOT Register on this particular Discussion Board, which is reserved exclusively for the people of Jamaica. Thanks for your cooperation in this matter.)

Special Message


The name “YORWW” means "Yah Our Righteousness World Wide" taken from Jeremiah 33:16. This small group originally called

TWMC [Two Witnesses Must Come] began back in the Spring of 1991 with sixteen (16) FORMER Jehovah’s Witnesses as founding members, who believed Jehovah's Witnesses were modern-day "Israel" of bible prophecy, ever since their taking the Divine Name upon themselves in the year of 1931. However, it was believed Jehovah’s Witnesses were soon to lose that privilege of carrying God’s Great Name, just as the Jewish nation did back in Jesus' day when God REPLACED THEM with 1st Century Christians because of GREAT WICKEDNESS practiced. In fact, Jesus told the religious leaders of his day, the "Kingdom of God" would be "TAKEN AWAY" from them and given to ANOTHER "NATION," first century Christians.   Likewise today, because of great wickedness being practiced, Jehovah’s Witnesses will be replaced by the nation of JAMAICA (first represented by 144,000 Jamaican Teachers of God's Word) who would obediently bear the righteous "fruit" Jehovah seeks. -- See Isaiah 43:18-21; Isaiah 44:3-5; Isaiah 55:13; Isaiah 65:1, 2; Matthew 21:43; John 4:23; Acts15:14, 17.


Please Note:  In short, the YORWW Bible Institute & Religious Studies Group, better known as the YORWW Congregation, is actually a PRIESTHOOD designed and structured specifically to overcome the previously inflicted damage done by the evil, vile, insidious and nefarious Watchtower Society & Governing Body, in their unholy efforts to implement their so-called "priestly training" upon helpless, witless, and unsuspecting victims found at their local kingdom halls, conventions and assembly halls of Jehovah's Witnesses world wide. To overcome such previously ingrained training of many, many years, decades even, a very serious VETTING PROCESS must be implemented . . . as foretold in Bible Prophecy. -- See Luke 13:24-30; Ezekiel chapters 40-48; Zechariah 3:1-7; Malachi 3:1-6.


Written By: 

Donald C. Burney



For more detailed information, please see this article:


New Jerusalem  Sets A Lofty Standard For GOD'S NAME PEOPLE!

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